Thursday, November 27, 2008


Welcome to the Basic Training Miami blog. I have created this blog for people in my bootcamp classes so they can follow news, nutrition and training tips and get the inside scoop on Basic Training Miami. But this blog is open to everyone including those that are considering a bootcamp fitness program or those that are just interested in general.

I am new to Miami and I am in the process of finding the best location to have classes in Miami Beach. So far the top vote is for the beach at 75th and Ocean Terrace so I can use the North Shore State Recreation Area. The beach is clean, beautiful, has lots of parking and there are many great places to workout in the park.

I will finalize the locations soon and begin writing articles on a variety of fitness related items soon. In the meantime, you can visit my website at or email me for information on bootcamp or training and nutrition tips.


Anonymous said...

OMG it's beautiful. Best of luck with BTM! We already miss you here in SF.

Robert said...

Thanks Sandra!